Monday, June 20, 2011

My Mom and Dad came for a Visit

My parents came into town last week for vacation. It was so nice to see them since we have not seen them since Christmas. The girls were so excited to see their Mimi and Papa. While my parents were here we took them to the Nascar hall of Fame, we went and tour a Nascar shop, mining for stones and then to Lazy 5 Ranch. We also hung out at the pool one day. It was such a great time with my parents.

Sydney feeding a donkey

Papa with the girls.


Sydney feeding the buffalo.

My dad feeding the buffalo.

Baby water buffalo

Water buffalo get sun in the mud.

Water buffalo looking for food. He was coming to my dad and my dad said that in did not smell good at all.

Brooke being silly girl!

The only way Brooke would feed the animals is throw the food. She did not want them eating out of her hand.

You could not feed the Zebras because they would bite you.

Sydney and her friend Tori

Sydney feeding the animals. There were some animals you could only feed by hand because if you tried with the bucket they would steal it from you.

New baby giraffe that was just borned the day before we came. It could hardly walk and it had the biggest eyes.

Feeding time for the baby camel and sheep. Both were only a couple of weeks old.

This baby giraffe was two weeks old. It had that bottle gone in no time.

Trying to eat the metal to get out.

Donkey taking a dirt bath.


Me and the girls mining.

My mom and dad mining.

One tired little girl from all the fun she has had with Mimi and Papa being here

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