Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sydney's Belated Birthday Sleepover

Sydney had her belated birthday sleepover party last weekend. Her birthday is in December and we were going to have the sleepover then but we had to cancel and reschedule the sleepover. So we had it last weekend. She invited three friends (Tori, Savannah and Emily) over for pizza, cake, games, making a gingerbread house, movies, and pancakes in the morning. She and her friends had a great time. They slept on the floor downstairs with a bunch of blankets and I slept on the couch to make sure that they were O.k. all night long. Brooke had some fun but was not happy that she could not sleep downstairs with us. The girls were up at 7:00 the next morning which is not to early but it would have been nice if they slept in a little longer since they were up until 11:00pm. Sydney however was the first one to fall asleep. She had a great time with her friends.

Sydney, Savannah, Tori and Emily playing headbands that her friends Savannah brought over the game and then Sydney also got the game from her friend Emily. It is a fun game.

Sydney opening up her birthday gifts from her friends.

Sydney, Emily and Tori looking at the new earrings that she got from Tori.

Sydney looking at her card from Emily.

Making the gingerbread house with the girls. Yes I know this is something that you do in December but I bought it then for them to do and we had to cancel the sleepover so I saved it for the girls to do when we reschedule. They did not care they had a great time making it.

All most done!

Yes they are having fun.

The house is finished and I think they did a great job and they had fun making it.

Side view.

The other side.

The back of the house.

Singing Happy Birthday to Sydney. She wanted a birthday cookie instead of a birthday cake.

Blowing out the candles.

The girls with their dolls.

Tori, Emily, Sydney and Savannah. Instead of doing goodie bags I went out and bought all the girls the same pj's for them. They all loved them and could not wait to put them on.

Breakfast in the morning. I made them pancakes for breakfast.

Where they slept at.
Girls playing twister they had fun.

Silly Girls!

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