Saturday, January 28, 2012
Warm Weather in January
We are loving the warm weather down here in North Carolina. It has been so warm here that the girls are loving being outside to ride their bikes and four wheeler. Today we took the girls out shopping for new bikes. For Christmas Mimi & Papa Krause gave them gift cards for them to go shopping for new bikes. So today was in the 60's and the sun was shining so we took them shopping and they found what they wanted. Both girls have to get use to riding them because they are a little bigger than what they had but they were so excited to get home and ride them. It is suppose to be warm all week so we will be outside after school to enjoy the nice warm weather.
Friday after school.
Sydney's Belated Birthday Sleepover
Sydney had her belated birthday sleepover party last weekend. Her birthday is in December and we were going to have the sleepover then but we had to cancel and reschedule the sleepover. So we had it last weekend. She invited three friends (Tori, Savannah and Emily) over for pizza, cake, games, making a gingerbread house, movies, and pancakes in the morning. She and her friends had a great time. They slept on the floor downstairs with a bunch of blankets and I slept on the couch to make sure that they were O.k. all night long. Brooke had some fun but was not happy that she could not sleep downstairs with us. The girls were up at 7:00 the next morning which is not to early but it would have been nice if they slept in a little longer since they were up until 11:00pm. Sydney however was the first one to fall asleep. She had a great time with her friends.
Sydney, Savannah, Tori and Emily playing headbands that her friends Savannah brought over the game and then Sydney also got the game from her friend Emily. It is a fun game.
Sydney opening up her birthday gifts from her friends.
Sydney, Emily and Tori looking at the new earrings that she got from Tori.
Sydney looking at her card from Emily.
Making the gingerbread house with the girls. Yes I know this is something that you do in December but I bought it then for them to do and we had to cancel the sleepover so I saved it for the girls to do when we reschedule. They did not care they had a great time making it.

All most done!
Yes they are having fun.
The house is finished and I think they did a great job and they had fun making it.
Side view.
The other side.
The back of the house.
Singing Happy Birthday to Sydney. She wanted a birthday cookie instead of a birthday cake.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Family Pictures
We finally got family pictures taken. The last family pictures we had taken Sydney was two and now she is eight. Our friend Laurie that lives in the neighborhood takes pictures on the side so we asked her to take them for us. We could not be anymore happier with the pictures. We had them done the beginning of October and decide that we were not going to tell anybody or post anything on facebook because we were going to surprise the family with the pictures at Christmas. So for Christmas I made a photo book on shutterfly for the parents and we also made one of the family pictures into a 8x10 and put it in a frame for them. They all loved it so much. It was really hard to keep it a secret until Christmas but it was well worth it since the parents had no idea until they opened up their gift from us. Here are a few of the pictures that we loved.

Christmas in Michigan & NC
Christmas in Michigan was busy but it was great spending time with just the family. We decided before we went up to only spend time with the family and not see our friends this time. We were only up for a week and just felt like we needed to spend the time with family only. It was so nice to see them and just spend time with them only. Christmas Eve we were with my family at my sister's house. My dad, Joe and Shawn went out to lunch together and us girls stayed back with the kids and made cookie's with them and ornaments. After the guys got back we opened up gifts and then we had dinner. It was a great time with my family. When we left my sister's house we went over to the Wilson's family Christmas and got to see more family. It was a busy day but a great day spending with family.
Christmas Day was spent with the Smith family with opening up more gifts along with one Santa gift and stockings that he brings to Michigan all the rest of the gift are left in NC where we have Christmas when we get home. Our neighbor comes over and put all the gifts under our tree so when we get home it looks like Santa came to the house when we were gone. We got up in the morning open up gifts and just spent the day relaxing and eating. The girls got to play with all their new toys. We also got to see both Grandma Smith and Grandma Quaigg that day.
Monday we got up and got ready to go get my mom and go back over my sister's house where we got to visit with my cousin Debbie, Jess and Nancy and the girls got more gifts. It was great to see them since I can not tell you the last time I have seem them it was a great visit. After that we left and went back to my parents house and had dinner with them since that would be the last day that we saw them. I so hate how fast the time goes when we are up there.
Tuesday we got up and got ready to go to the Wilson's house for Christmas with them. (This is Shawn's dad and his step mom Kathy) The girls yet again got more gifts to open that day. Yes my girls are every luck to have a big family that love them a lot. The girls got to play with all their new toys and then we had dinner with them and spent the rest of the day hanging out with them.
Wednesday was a day to get the car packed because we were leaving Thursday morning for NC. I have to say that this was one of the best Christmas of all since we have moved it was spent with all of our family who we love and miss a lot.
Thursday morning we got up and came home where the girls had one more Christmas.
Girls with their cousin Hailey...Gabe was sitting with them but when I got back to take the picture he had enough and was gone.
Girls getting ready to make Christmas cookies for Santa.
The Christmas ornaments that girls made for gifts.
Time to decorate the cookies.
Hailey showing her decorated cookie.

Sydney's cookies
Brooke showing us her decorated cookie.
Sydney's cookies are all done.
Hailey's cookies are all done.
Brooke's cookies are all done.
The big mess from the cookies being decorated.
Cookies are finished.
Sydney looking in her stocking from my mom & dad.
Brooke looking in her stocking from my mom & dad.
Hailey loved the necklace that we got her for Christmas. Glad she liked it because if not I was going to take it and wear it I liked that necklace.
My dad with Brooke....she loves her Papa!!! And Sydney and Hailey.
Papa Krause and Brooke
Sydney and Hailey
The finished ornament
Brooke's ornament
Sydney's ornament
Brooke with her Papa Krause
The was really hard to get a good picture of all of them because Gabe did not want to stay still.
Christmas morning at The Smith's...girls looking at their new baby that they got from Mimi & Papa Smith.
Girls opening up their gifts from each other. They both picked out barbies to get each other.
The blankets that Mimi Smith made the girls. They are beautiful and each girl has it on their bed.
Christmas Day was spent with the Smith family with opening up more gifts along with one Santa gift and stockings that he brings to Michigan all the rest of the gift are left in NC where we have Christmas when we get home. Our neighbor comes over and put all the gifts under our tree so when we get home it looks like Santa came to the house when we were gone. We got up in the morning open up gifts and just spent the day relaxing and eating. The girls got to play with all their new toys. We also got to see both Grandma Smith and Grandma Quaigg that day.
Monday we got up and got ready to go get my mom and go back over my sister's house where we got to visit with my cousin Debbie, Jess and Nancy and the girls got more gifts. It was great to see them since I can not tell you the last time I have seem them it was a great visit. After that we left and went back to my parents house and had dinner with them since that would be the last day that we saw them. I so hate how fast the time goes when we are up there.
Tuesday we got up and got ready to go to the Wilson's house for Christmas with them. (This is Shawn's dad and his step mom Kathy) The girls yet again got more gifts to open that day. Yes my girls are every luck to have a big family that love them a lot. The girls got to play with all their new toys and then we had dinner with them and spent the rest of the day hanging out with them.
Wednesday was a day to get the car packed because we were leaving Thursday morning for NC. I have to say that this was one of the best Christmas of all since we have moved it was spent with all of our family who we love and miss a lot.
Thursday morning we got up and came home where the girls had one more Christmas.
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