It has been a busy month for the Smith Family. Sydney had her preschool graduation. We are so proud of her and she was so excited. She is excited for kindergarten to start in the fall and then first grade, second grade and third grade. We had to tell her to slow down just a little. She also had her last T-ball game tonight. However it was rained out and they will not be making it up. Instead the whole team and there family went and had pizza and she got a trophy. So now that school is done and T-ball we get to enjoy the summer. The pool is opened here and we are looking forward to that.
Brooke is growing up too fast. She loves giving kiss and blowing kiss. She is also making her babies crying and then giving them kisses which I'm still trying to get on film but every time I try she won't do it again. It is too cute. She also has a thing for shoes. We have to put all shoes away because she likes to put them on and walk around the house in them. It does not matter if they are Sydney, Shawn or mine she will put them on.
I hope that everybody is doing well and we will see you all soon.

Movie Star Girls

Pretty Girl Sydney

Sydney, Brooke and Sydney's friend Emily

Sydney's last day of school

Sydney's last day of school with her friends.

Sydney with her friends at Graduation


Sydney's T-ball Trophy

Sydney and her T-ball team at dinner

Sydney with her coaches after getting her trophy

Sydney getting her T-ball Trophy

Brooke with her first sucker
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