Brooke does not have her pacifier any more. We took it away from her last week Monday and it only took two days for her to forget about it. Next we are starting potty training. She has been using the potty on and off. I think she will catch on fast too it.
Shawn started a new job this week. He is working at Bank of America working downtown. I'm not working at Hallmark anymore I'm just babysitting during the day some children from the neighborhood.
It has been really hot here! We have had 18 days straight of above 90 degree weather here. Today is the first day that it is not 90 degree's here. We have been at the pool a lot already this summer. Papa and Mimi Smith can here for a week to visit. My sister and her family stop by for a surprise visit on their way to Florida and they are coming back the end of July for a week along with my other sister. Mimi Smith, Aunt Nikki and Aunt Holly were just here for a long weekend and the girls also got to see Uncle Mike. We have had a lot of visitor but love seeing everybody.