April was a fun month for us. We went to Michigan for Easter and when we were their the new little baby came. He just wanted to wait for his Aunt Jean to come before he came. The girls were so excited to see him. When you asked Brooke who's baby he was she would say her baby Gabe. I think if she could have she would have brought him home with us. We had a great time on Easter seeing our families and the girls got to dye Easter eggs and also did an Easter egg hunt. We loved seeing everybody it was a busy week in Michigan.
Now that we are home the busy starts here. Sydney had opening season of Tee ball on Saturday. She did great. She hit the ball that was pitched to her for her first hit and then the second time up she had to hit off the Tee but she did get on base both times. Brooke is also doing good.
We are looking forward to the school year coming to end and the pool opening. I can not believe that Sydney will be a first grader at the end of this school season. We love you all and hope all is well with everybody!

Sydney and Brooke at Baker Park.

Sydney and Brooke blowing a flower at the park.

Brooke and Sydney at the park

Sydney and Brooke having fun at Baker Park

Sydney up to bat! First Tee ball game of the year.

Sydney ready for the ball to come her way.

Brooke and Daddy at the ball field.

Team picture...Sydney is in the back row.

Sydney and Brooke being silly.

Sydney and Brooke

Sydney ready to play ball.

Sydney's spring pictures.

Sydney and Brooke with the Easter bunny.

Sydney giving Gabe kisses. Last day in Michigan.

Brooke giving kisses to Gabe. Last day in Michigan and saying good bye.

Brooke being silly

Sydney getting to feed Gabe.

Me with the girls and Gabe.

Me with the girls and Gabe.

Brooke so happy that she finally gets to hold her new baby cousin.

Sydney with her new baby cousin.

The girls with their new baby cousin.

Sydney, Brooke, cousin Hailey(the new big sister), Gabe.

Brooke giving Gabe kisses. "My baby Gabe"

The girls with Gabe.

They found an egg...now how do I get it out of there?

Look at me I found an egg!

Brooke looking for eggs.

Sydney looking for eggs.

Easter eggs that the girls and Hailey did.





Hailey and Sydney...they were so excited to see each other!