We have had great summer in North Carolina. The girls really enjoy the pool and so did I. I can not believe that it will be a year next week that we moved down here. Time is just flying by. Sydney started kindergarten and she loves it. She goes into school all by herself. We are so proud of her. I will say that it is weird just having one at home.

Girls at the pool having fun

Brooke holding her nose to put her face in the water.

Brooke trying to put her face in the water.

Sydney going down the water slide.

Brooke loving the water.

Sydney and Mommy her first day of school.

Sydney helping Mommy put her stuff away. Brooke was also trying to help.

Family picture...first day of school

Sydney and Brooke on the first day of school. Brooke really wanted to go to

Sydney's first day of Kindergarten.

Sydney the fish in the water.

The girls in the fountains at Birkdale

Brooke playing in the fountains she loved it.

Sydney playing in the fountains. They had such a good time.

Pretty girl...

Brooke being silly with her pigtails in. She looked so cute.

Brooke sleeping....I could not help but take this picture she looked so cute.