Sorry that it has been awhile since I sent out a blog. It has been a busy three months in the Smith family. We went up to Michigan the end of June for my sister wedding reception and then the end of July for Shawn's sister wedding reception. It was great seeing everybody. The girls also stayed in July for a week with their Papa's and Mimi's and I heard from Sydney that her and Brooke had a great time with everybody. They went to the zoo with Mimi
Krause, Aunt Vicki and Hailey. They went to Cedar Point with Aunt Nikki and Uncle Mike. Sydney went fishing with Papa Smith and also got him to go putt-putt. They had a great time in Michigan with everybody. Shawn's mom, grandma
quiagg and aunt Holly brought the girls back and stayed for a week. We took a day trip and went to
Myrtle Beach. We found out that Brooke did not like the feeling of the wet sand. Below is a picture of her pulling herself up so that her feet would not touch the sand. It was nice to go there.
Now we are getting ready for Sydney is start kindergarten. We have open house at her school this Friday. She says that she is excited and can not wait to start so I hope that they will be easy because last year was not. She will go Monday
thru Friday from 8:00 to 3:00 so it will just be Brooke and me during the day. That will be different.
Other than that nothing else is new here. We are enjoying the summer here and have spent a lot of time at the pool this summer. The girls have a great tan going.

Brooke playing in Papa
Krause's rocks. All the girls have played with the rocks they are just like Papa like to collect them.

Pottery with the girls. It was fun but hard to do with Brooke in your lap.

We had to do pottery to match Sydney's. Shawn's mom did these with Sydney when she was eight months old so I told Brooke so that we could do it with her.

Brooke's finished pottery. She did not like the feel of the paint and was not happy with me.

Brooke sat all her babies on her coach and covered them up and then she sat down with them. i believe she is going to be another baby girl. She loves her babies. She even makes them cry which I'm still trying to get on film. It is too cute.

Our new tree that Grandma
Quiagg got for us when she was down her for the week. It is called Red Crape Myrtle and it flowers in the summer time. It is really pretty. They have them all over down here.

Brooke and I in Myrtle Beach.

Brooke and I blowing daddy kisses.

Shawn, Sydney, Brooke and me at Myrtle Beach

The girls at the beach. Me, Brooke, Shawn's mom, Sydney, Aunt Holly and Grandma

Brooke pulling herself up so that her feet would not touch the wet sand.

The shells that Sydney collected at the beach.

Sydney loved the beach.

Myrtle Beach

Rainbow over our house after a storm that we got here.

Sydney and mom at Aunt Nikki's wedding reception

Brooke being silly.

Fourth of July...She was waiting for the fireworks to start...silly little girl.

Sydney and her friend
Marley waiting for the fireworks to start.

Fourth of July...Sydney playing at the kids table.

Fourth of July in NC....Brooke and Mommy

At my sister's wedding reception....The family:)

Sydney and her best friend Brendon. (he was our next store neighbor in Michigan)

Brooke getting her first
haircut with Paula. I had to wait until we came up to Michigan because Paula gave Sydney her first cut. I went to school with her daughter and Paula has cut my hair for a long time. Brooke did great. We thought for sure that she would give us problems.

Sydney with her cousin Hailey...they love each other to death.

The girls being silly